To apply field-level security in Dynamics 365, you need to have the correct permissions.Typically, only users with the System Administrator or System Customizer security role have the ability to set field-level security.
Follow the below steps to apply field-level security in the system field in CRM.
Step 1: Click on Settings > Select Advanced setting.
Step 2: The Advanced setting tab will be open. Click on the Customize the System.
Step 3: This window will open. Click on Entities.
Step 4: Expand the Opportunity entity, and it will show fields.
Step 5: We will select the Actual Revenue field.
Step 6: The field pop-up window will open. Click on Enable under the Field-level security profile. Click on Save and Close.
Step 7: Then Click on Publish the Customization.
So, this is how to apply field-level security in system fields in CRM.
Next, you must create a new field security profile to define your field’s security settings.
Step 1: Click on the setting >Select Advanced setting.
Step 2: The Advanced Settings Tab will open. Click on the Settings and open Security.
Step 3: Now select the Field Security Profiles.
Step 4: Click on New to create a new field security profile.
Step 5: Enter a name and a Description (optional) and click on Save.
Step 6: Click On Field Permissions.
Step 7: Select the field and choose edit.
Step 8: The Edit Field Security pop-up window will open. Select the permissions you want to assign to users or teams, then choose OK. In this example, I want the group of users to be able to read the actual revenue but not update or enter a brand-new value. Click on OK.
Step 9: Click on Save to apply the modification to the system.
How to Add Users and Teams.
Step 1: You can add teams and users by clicking “Teams” and “Users” below the member section.
Step 2: On the command bar, click on Add.
Step 3 It will open a lookup dialog box; select the user or team that should have the security settings applied for the field and then click Select.
Step 4: Repeat steps if you would like to add multiple teams or users, and then choose Add. So, this is how to apply field-level security in a system field.
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